Dunsany GP

The Dunsany GP will go ahead on Sat May 9th. After what we consider two weekends of successful promotions, in Stamullen and Drogheda, its probably a good time to put on races in this area as there were no issues with the law or authorities over the past two weekends.

To keep it that way we would appreciate all the help we can get for this one. Thanks in advance.

Sign on will be in Dunsany GAA grounds from 9.00am.
Route will be the usual green sheds circuit with the last lap coming off circuit to finish at the church in Dunsany.
10.3Oam A3/Jun race 4 x laps of 17k Total 68km
10.33am A4 race 3 x laps of 17k Total 51km.
Please note its a 10.30 start time to have the roads as quiet as possible.
Get in touch if you can help.

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