Sean Landers wins the Mark Mullen League 2021

Congratulations to Sean Landers of UCD, who won this year’s league by the narrowest of margins from Drogheda Wheelers rider, Shane Coll. Sean won the final round with Shane finishing second meaning that both riders finished on 45 points (each rider’s best 5 results count towards their total). As per the league rules, the tie was decided on the outcome of the final round. And fittingly, Sean Lenehan finished third on the night to ensure that he also finished third in the overall standings. Well done to all three riders for some fine performances and indeed to everyone who took part and made this year’s event a safe and successful one.

Click here for the overall table

Sean Landers UCD wins round 6 of the Drogheda Wheelers Mark Mullen League from Sean Coll Drogheda Wheelers 2nd and Sean Lenehan Navan 3rd. Photo: Colin Bell Photography
Rosemary Mullen wife of the late Mark Mullen, with Benner Maguire and Club Chairperson Andrew Watters presents Sean Landers UCD with the trophy for winning the Drogheda Wheelers hosted Mark Mullen League. Photo: Colin Bell Photography

Click here for more photos from Round 6

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